- 许多女皇实际上是与男性统治者共同执掌权力,并醉心于比男性同僚拥有更多的权力,但这种权力,是一种实质上的权力,而并非来自于法律规定。
- Several empresses virtually shared the exercise of the imperial authority , bore themselves as co-regents , and enjoyed more power than male co-regents ; but their power was de facto , not de jure .
- 法律上,我们也在货币方面做了更多工作。
- And de jure , we have done more on the monetary side .
- 权威可以分为理论权威与实践权威、事实权威与合法权威,拉兹讨论的是合法的实践权威。
- Authority could be categorized as theoretical authority and practical authority , de facto authority and de jure authority , among which raz discussed de jure practical authority .