- 安提比斯码头是欧洲最大的游艇停泊港,但是只有一个泊位足以停下“日蚀号”,却已被沙特王子阿尔瓦利德本塔拉尔(al-waleedbintalal)的游艇kingdom5kr占据了。
- Antibes is the largest yachting harbor in europe . But apparently , there is only one berth big enough for eclipse . But it was already taken by saudi prince al-waleed bin talal and his 265-foot yacht kingdom 5kr .
- 你的票上会印有你的车次、车厢和铺位号。
- Your train , coach and berth number will be printed on your ticket .
- 当2006年接手apm码头时,港口周边尽是些破旧的小镇,船只往往要等上30天才能停泊。
- In 2006 , when apm terminals took over , there were shanty towns in the port and vessels had to wait 30 days to berth .
- 我该如何阻止他们?
- How do I stop them ?
- 你得停止这样做!
- You have to stop this !
- 现在谁能阻止金正日?
- Who can stop him now ?
- 观察还表明,这个湖泊正在蒸发。
- The observations also suggest the lake is evaporating .
- 你是在一个靠近湖的房子里?
- Are you in a comfy house out near a lake ?
- 湖泊水位的波动对该种鱼类的繁殖地造成影响。
- Fluctuations in the lake level have impacted fish breeding sites .
- 例如,当夏威夷大气中的二氧化碳水平上升,位于其西北大约450公里处的海洋中部停泊处ph值下降了(见图表)。
- There is no doubt that a ph drop is under way . For example , as the atmospheric carbon-dioxide level in hawaii goes up , the ph at a mid-ocean mooring about 450km to the north-west goes down ( see chart ) .
- 该公司的收入将来自向停泊在该码头的船只使用者收取管理费。
- It will gain revenues from this by charging management fees from boat users mooring at the facility .
- 在马尔代夫,浮岛将用缆绳或伸缩系泊桩固定在海底,保持即使在暴风雨中也能稳定的地形。
- In the maldives , the floating islands will be anchored to the seabed using cables or telescopic mooring piles , making landforms that are stable even in storms .