- 现在该不该去揭示这些不满呢。
- Is it time to reveal these discomforts .
- 然而调查数据显示由于这些其他原因迁移的情况并没增加。
- Yet survey data reveal that moves for these other reasons have not risen .
- 基因组学也许能显示出来芸芸众生在本质上是真正的兄弟姐妹。
- Genomics may reveal that humans really are brothers and sisters under the skin .
- 在减少由于劣质灌溉系统所导致的蒸发、泄露方面还存在很大提升空间。
- Huge scope exists to reduce losses through evaporation and leakage from shoddy irrigation systems .
- 风险评估包括对水力压裂法中使用的液体是否会对地下水体造成污染以及是否会造成沼气(一种加重全球气候变暖的气体)泄露进行评估。
- These include the possible pollution of groundwater by the chemicals in fracking fluids , and the leakage of methane , a gas that aggravates global warming .
- 霍沃斯说他的分析着重研究非传统页岩气开采过程中甲烷的泄露,是同类研究中最先发表的,还需要进行更多的研究。
- Mr. howarth said his analysis , which looked specifically at methane leakage rates in unconventional shale gas development , was among the first of its kind and that much more research was needed .
- 虽然威尔逊不会透露销售数字,他说公司在不断发展壮大,并且每年都超出他们的期望。
- Although wilson won 't divulge sales figures , he says the company grows and exceeds their expectations each year .
- 政府官员拒绝就指控做进一步评论,或是泄露这一违法行为发生在哪个国家。
- Government officials declined to comment further on the allegations or divulge the country in which possible unlawful activity took place .
- 克里腾登不愿泄露第三家银行的身份,但传言认为将是一家像nationalcity这样的大型地方银行。
- He would not divulge the identity of the third bank , but it is rumoured to be a major regional bank such as national city .
- 他拒绝透露收入有多少。
- He declined to disclose revenue numbers .
- 许多大型贷款机构并未透露表外风险。
- Many big lenders did not disclose off-balance-sheet risks .
- 但她拒绝透露导致该问题的原因。
- She declined to disclose what caused the glitch .