- 同年另一场大火使得122人丧生,当时村民们冲向一辆侧翻的汽油槽罐车哄抢燃油时发生了爆炸。
- Another fire the same year caused by villagers scooping up fuel from an overturned petrol tanker killed 122 .
- 去年在也门时,我看到一辆液罐车在首都萨那(sana)送水。
- While in yemen last year , I saw a tanker truck delivering water in the capital , sana .
- 水罐车平均一周来一次,而送水量只够维持四天。
- The tanker visits on average just once a week . The water it delivers lasts only four days .
- 这个计划使加油工和记者能一起稍事休息。
- This plan enabled the oiler and the correspondent to get respite together .
- 忙着干活的加油工点了点头表示赞同。
- The busy oiler nodded his assent .
- 油枪和注油器都是艺术机械润滑维护工具。
- Grease gun and oiler are the lubrication service tools for machinery .