- 我就不再客套的添置什么礼节性的祝福。
- I won 't add any unctuous well-wishing .
- 很多时候老板的承诺都是虚假的。
- Most of time bosses make unctuous promises .
- 口感醇浓而又不乏轻快。
- Unctuous but vivacious in the mouth .
- 当她的死讯一宣布,以前的政敌就开始发表圆滑的颂辞。
- Former political rivals started issuing glib tributes as soon as her death was announced .
- 但是,这篇文章的结尾没有结论,而且马丁在这一切究竟说明什么的问题上,表现得一反常态的圆滑。
- But the piece ends on an inconclusive note , and martin is uncharacteristically glib about the bottom line in all of this .
- 他的对手说他油嘴滑舌,谎话连篇。
- His opponents say he is glib and deceitful .