- 我奔腾的情感是不会消失的。
- Ebullition of my affection will never fade away .
- 采用减压内部沸腾法提取野生葛根中的葛根异黄酮。
- The isoflavone of kudzu root in pueraia lobata was extracted by method of decompressing inner ebullition .
- 前些时候工业上的繁荣局面很大程度上是建立在出口销售上的,而这使得欧元区经济很容易受到全球经济下滑的冲击。
- Much of industry 's earlier ebullience was founded on export sales , which made the euro area vulnerable to a global downturn .
- 英国处在在一个历史的十字路口上,他的选择将决定其将与谁为伍,经济衰退前沸沸扬扬的景象似乎在驳斥那些预言经济将不可避免的下滑的人们。
- Britain stands at one of those turning-points in its history when the decisions it takes may determine the league it plays in . Its economic ebullience before the recession seemed to disprove those who had long argued that it was fated to inevitable decline .
- 割下的鹿角被放进锅炉,加工鹿角的第一步就是煮。
- After cutting antlers are brought to boilers . Boiling is first stage of precessing antlers .
- 在英国四种主要的方式是煮、烤、烧和炸。
- The four main methods used in england are boiling , baking , roasting and frying .
- 用大炖锅将椒体和切下的盖子一起用淡盐水煮5分钟,沥干水。
- In large saucepan of lightly salted boiling water , simmer peppers and lids covered , 5 minutes .