- 当人们处于河马和深水间或母河马与小河马之间时最易遇袭死亡。
- People die most often when they get between a hippo and deep water or between a mother and her calf .
- 波兰华沙动物园,一只名为aniela的雌性河马在自己的新家大张着嘴。
- A female hippo named aniela opens her mouth wide in her new enclosure in warsaw zoo , poland
- 成年河马是动物王国里最有攻击力的家伙之一,它一嘴咬下来的压力就能有好几吨。
- Described as one of the most aggressive creatures in the animal kingdom , an adult hippo can apply several tons of pressure in a single bite .
- 德国,柏林:在12月,柏林动物园又新增了一名成员,一只小河马在11月29日出生了。
- Berlin , germany : in december , berlin zoo revealed its newest addition - a baby hippopotamus born on 29 november
- 英国政府越看越像是一条吞下河马的巨蟒。
- The uk government looks increasingly like a python that has swallowed a hippopotamus .
- 德国柏林:柏林动物园里,一只小河马在被介绍给公众的第一天游在她的妈妈身边。
- Berlin , germany : a baby hippopotamus swims with her mother on the first day of her presentation to the public at the berlin zoo