- 我喜欢一些朋克音乐,幸运的是朋克唱片公司们喜欢分享他们的音乐,fatwreckchordshellcatrecordssubpop和epitaph在这里都有很多,通常他们提供一张cd里的两到三首完整的曲目。
- I love me some punk music , and fortunately punk labels love to share their music . Fat wreck chords , hellcat records , subpop , and epitaph all have tons , and usually offer two or three fulls songs from a cd .
- 陈家的人都围着巫婆磕头,求她发发慈悲。
- The person of home chen round hellcat kowtow , beg her have a heart .
- 丈夫实在受不了,就去找巫婆替他想办法。
- The husband is overcome really , go looking for hellcat to think way for him .