- 从《奥义书》和《吠陀经》思想来的。
- Come from the thoughts of upanishad and vedas .
- 释迦佛思想和奥义书相同。
- The buddha shakyamuni had same thoughts as upanishad .
- 在《白净识者奥义书》里面,因陀罗首次被称为湿婆,被描绘为宇宙的创造者、维系者和毁灭者。
- In the svetasvatara upanishad , rudra is for the first time called siva and is described as the creator , preserver , and destroyer of the universe .
- 在希腊和罗马神话中,森林之神是半人半羊的样子。
- A satyr is half man and half goat in greek and roma .
- 这是一个关于一个男人和萨梯的寓言.
- This is a fable about a man anda satyr .
- 属于或关于好色之徒的,或有好色之徒的特点的。
- Of or relating to or having the characteristics of a satyr .