- 图为地球上最大的软体动物,成年蛤蚌会将自己永远粘附在沙子或珊瑚礁碎石上。
- The largest mollusks on earth , adult giant clams permanently affix themselves to surfaces such as sand or coral reef rubble .
- 图为地球上最大的软体动物,成年蛤蚌会将自己永远粘附在沙子或珊瑚礁碎石上。
- The largest mollusks on earth , adult giant clams permanently affix themselves to surfaces such as sand or coral reef rubble .
- 图为地球上最大的软体动物,成年蛤蚌会将自己永远粘附在沙子或珊瑚礁碎石上。
- The largest mollusks on earth , adult giant clams permanently affix themselves to surfaces such as sand or coral reef rubble .
- 那么我们能做什么?
- So what can be done ?
- 为什么散步有如此功效?
- Why is walking so wonderful ?
- 欧洲的团结不过如此。
- So much for european solidarity .
- 钢琴的人,混合媒介拼贴联大加德纳。
- Piano man , mixed media collage by ga gardner .
- 葡糖淀粉酵素(淀粉糖)是一种外分割性的酵素,可从聚醣链的非还原端移出葡萄糖。
- Glucoamylase ( ga ) is an exo-acting carbohydrase which cleaves glucose units from the non-reducing ends of starch molecules .
- 协助总务经理处理日常事务;
- Help ga manager to handle daily affairs ;