- 沙滩上亲吻爱情的同性宝贝。
- Kiss the amatory baby of the same sex on the sandy beach .
- 它拥有木板路和很大的海滩,也有很多扎堆在一块的赌场。
- It has the boardwalk and a big sandy beach . It also has a lot of casinos crammed together .
- 就职当晚在夏威夷statesociety举办的舞会上,人们一致认为,如果奥巴马能在瓦胡岛沙岸上进行身体冲浪(经常造成骨折),那么他就能够他也应该能够胜任总统一职。
- At the hawaii state society ball on inauguration night , the consensus was that if mr obama can bodysurf at sandy beach , oahu , where broken bones are common-and he can-he should be able to handle the presidency .
- 他撒了大家一身沙子.
- He threw sand all over everyone .
- 利雅得市中的摩天大楼在沙尘暴里隐约可见。
- View of a skyscraper obstructed by sand and dust in riyadh .
- 而科学家们通过几把沙将这块陆地找到了。
- And they found it through a few handfuls of sand .