- 于是,国民都集体依偎在沙发上呻吟着。
- So the nation is collectively lying on the sofa , groaning .
- ransa沙发给人以漂浮在书本之上的效果。
- Ransa sofa gives the impression of levitating above the books .
- 只要把沙发拉到门口,转过来就行了。
- Simply drag a sofa near a doorway and turn it around .
- 她躺在客厅内的一个小沙发上。
- She was lying on a small settee in the parlour .
- 我在长椅的后面发现了老鼠屎。
- Found mouse droppings behind the settee .
- 只有一面弯曲的有靠背的长椅。
- A settee with only one curvy end .