- 我试图将我所能体会的每个情绪分离出来,作为一个我必须反复思量的问题。
- I try to separate each emotion I feel into a question that I must ponder .
- 航空公司可能会思考这个永恒的真理。
- Airlines might ponder this timeless truth .
- 花几分钟思考一下,这到底意味着什么。
- Ponder for a moment what this means .
- 于是他现出了沉思的样子。
- And he appeared to meditate .
- 点燃一支蜡烛,进入冥想状态。
- Light a candle and meditate .
- 每日沉思;有时即便你的大脑也想脱离你而独自存在。
- Meditate every day ; sometimes even your mind needs a break from you .
- 对她来说,沉思并不是什么好东西,消极而已。
- The notion of a muse was nonsense to her , a passive thing .
- 噢,缪斯,我们的大批听众都在哪啊?
- At all . O muse , where are our teeming crowds ?
- 今年将在主舞台上亮相的有缪斯乐队、街头霸王乐队和史提夫汪达。
- This year 's headline acts on the main stage included muse , gorillaz and stevie wonder .