- 尼泊尔和牙买加则通过提供廉价的泵和滴灌饲料来促使贫困小农灌溉农田。
- Nepal and jamaica offered cheap kits ( pumps , drip feeds ) to persuade smallholders to irrigate their fields .
- 从长远角度看,如果不从治水着手,我们就不会有水来灌溉大面积的农田。
- In the long term , we won 't be able to irrigate huge regions of farmland if we don 't have the water to begin with .
- 国家防汛抗旱总指挥部办公室的一份声明说,政府还在对313万公顷农田进行灌溉。
- Government efforts are also underway to irrigate 3.13 million hectares of crops , according to a statement from the government 's office of state flood control and drought relief .
- 巴西的水资源充沛。
- Brazil also has more water .
- 他们应该提供更多的水。
- They should give more water .
- 但是做添加剂的不仅可以用水。
- But water was not the only additive .