- 余先生说他已经被一些安全人员折磨,并且被软禁在家中。
- Mr. yu said he had been tortured by security officers and had lived under house arrest .
- 除了获刑10年以外,于德政还被处以约1.32万美元的罚款。
- In addition to his 10-year sentence , yu was fined about $ 13200 .
- 在余先生最近做的一场演讲中他展示了一些关于经济的图表和照片。
- As part of a lecture he recently gave , yu included some photographs among the usual economic charts and graphs .
- 这支产自法国汝拉地区的黄葡萄酒几乎被人遗忘,但它非常适合做冬季开胃酒或餐后酒。
- This largely forgotten wine from the jura region in france makes for a wonderful winter aperitif or digestif .
- 接下来,总的计划是把一个称作jura的新发明连接到这个平台上。
- Next , total plans to connect a new discovery called jura to the platform .
- 瑞士的主要地形有三种:瑞士阿尔卑斯山、瑞士高原和汝拉(jura)山。
- Switzerland comprises three basic topographical areas : the swiss alps , the swiss plateau , and the jura mountain .