- 移民会产生回流国内的汇款;还会通过非正式的方式促进跨国贸易和投资。
- Immigration generates remittance flows back home ; informal links facilitate cross-country trade and investment .
- 但是近距离观察塔帕丘拉的长队发现汇款业务怎么变化。
- But a closer look at the tapachulan queue shows how the remittance business is changing .
- 自从2001年9月11日起已经加强了监管力度这导致汇款大数量的增加,尼日利亚报告2007年汇款收入将近翻了一番。
- Oversight has tightened since september 11th 2001 . This has led to big jumps in some numbers : nigeria posted a near-doubling of remittance receipts in 2007 .
- 财富转移为什么是必要的呢?
- Why is wealth transfer necessary ?
- 西方的衰落加速了权力的转移。
- Western decline is accelerating the transfer of power .
- 网盘允许使用者上载和传输容量很大的文件。
- Megaupload allowed users to upload and transfer very large files .