- 德拉吉表示,ecb做为一个最后贷款人,承受着巨大的阻力,并坚持认为这并不意味着“汇款”。
- Draghi expressed strong resistance to the ecb being used as a lender of last resort , insisting that it was not its remit .
- 实际上,weidmann强烈反对欧洲央行购置政府债券可能对draghi是有用的,后者在他的首个新闻发布会上说,政府的无限制借贷,将是欧洲央行汇款呆在外面。
- Indeed , mr weidmann 's strong opposition to ecb purchases of government bonds might even be helpful to mr draghi , who said at his first press conference that unlimited lending to governments would be outside the ecb 's remit .
- 它们只能在当地股票交易所募集到港元,而且只有获得政府批准,才能将发行所得汇回内地、换成人民币。
- They can only raise hong kong dollars on the local stock exchange and need government approval to remit the proceeds back to china for conversion into renminbi .
- 那些认识到这个问题的政治家和官员相信,单一货币将导致各国生产率增长速度趋同,从而化解这个问题。
- Those politicians and bureaucrats who recognised this problem believed that the single currency would somehow eliminate it by causing productivity trends to converge .
- 同时要去户外仲夏晚会,因为为了庆祝节日,许多音乐表演活动聚集在这个城市的每个角落。
- Also check out the outdoor summer concert schedule because numerous musical acts converge for festivals around the city .
- 每个月里,都有一个星期六的早上,绿点食品市场的卖主聚集在布鲁克林的弥赛亚教堂。
- One saturday morning each month , the vendors of the greenpoint food market converge on the church of the messiah in brooklyn .