- 合并套利基金也必须争取饥渴的投资人的支持。
- Merger-arbitrage funds must also woo hungry investors .
- 但是要如何追求她们、让她们爱上你则真的还是要取决于你了。
- But then it is up to you how to woo them and make them love you .
- 赖因费尔特首先应该争取绿党的选票。
- Mr reinfeldt 's first ploy was to woo the greens .
- 医学的发展得以攻克疾病并延长生命。
- Medical advances are conquering diseases and extending lifespans .
- 虽然女性受教育水平普遍提高,但并不是在所有地方都这样。
- Though advances in female education are widespread , they are not universal .
- 尽管美国和澳大利亚近年产量有所提高,德国制造的雷司令仍然占到了世界总产量的60%。
- Germany has 60 % of world production , despite the advances made by america and australia .
- 另一次是在1957年我们组织的音乐会上,那时我正追求着你,或是你追求着我。
- The other occasion was the concert we organized in 1957 when I was courting you or you me .
- 在他任期头几个月殷勤招待了新加坡之后,wahid先生上周开始猛烈抨击。
- After courting singapore assiduously during his first months in office , mr wahid lashed out last week .
- 但是对讨好别的外国资本感兴趣的骚乱表明一种多样化的渴求。
- But the flurry of interest in courting other foreign capital suggests a desire to diversify .