- 科学上称作马来西亚phytobdellacatenifera的水蛭是一种可以长到5厘米长的大型陆地水蛭。
- This spotted leech scientifically named phytobdella catenifera of malaysia is a large terrestrial leech that can grow up to 5cm long .
- 防蛭袜-厚实的帆布材质紧紧绑至膝盖-防止爬进靴子的水蛭伤脚。
- Leech socks-thick canvas affairs tied tightly at the knee-stop those that climb into boots from attacking your feet .
- 化妆品的价格依据水蛭唾液或其萃取物的添加量而定。
- Price for their cosmetics varies depending on the amount of leech saliva and leech extract added .
- 医用水蛭的唾液是一种生物活性物质的均衡复合物。
- Saliva of medical leeches is a balanced complex of biologically active substances .
- 水蛭是雌雄同体的,但并不是所有水蛭都嗜血。
- Leeches are hermaphrodites and not all leeches feed on blood as commonly known .
- 我尤爱在夏天泛舟湖上,而这可能面临的一个危险便是湖里有时会出现蚂蟥。
- I like to go on canoe trips in the summer and one of the hazards of canoe tripping is that sometimes lakes have leeches .