- 黄金股指数huigoldbugs现在相当于成份股现金流的15倍,远低于过去20倍至30倍的水平。
- The hui gold bugs index of miners stands at 15 times cash flow , way below the 20-30 times it used to trade at .
- 诺兰德随后在博客上贴出了金正日的妹妹金敬姬(kimkyunghui)发表于2009年朝鲜一本杂志上的文章片段,她对市场活动也是持同样的批评态度。
- Mr. noland subsequently posted excerpts of an essay by mr. kim 's sister , kim kyung hui , from a 2009 north korean magazine that was equally critical of market activities .
- 参与了汇贤(huixian)招股工作的人士,把需求低于预期的原因,归咎于近期欧洲债务问题导致的全球市场震荡。
- People involved in the offering of hui xian have blamed the lower-than-expected demand on recent volatility in global markets amid debt problems in europe .