- 当矿物呈现出绿色,我们就知道那是绿宝石了。
- When the mineral beryl takes on a green form , we know it as an emerald .
- 国家飓风中心称贝里尔似乎会从登陆改为以东岸海岸线为基准平行前进,看来是不会演变成为飓风的了。
- The national hurricane center says beryl is likely to parallel the east coast instead of heading onshore and is not likely to go into a hurricane .
- 第五是红玛瑙,第六是红宝石,第七是黄璧玺;第八是水苍玉;第九是红璧玺;第十是翡翠;第十一是紫玛瑙;第十二是紫晶。
- The fifth , sardonyx ; the sixth , sardius ; the seventh , chrysolite ; the eighth , beryl ; the ninth , topaz ; the tenth , chrysoprase ; the eleventh , jacinth ; the twelfth , amethyst .
- 碧玉可以说是保存最完好的汤普森这些天,结果设计。
- Jasper is arguably the best-preserved thompson design these days as a result .
- 贾斯帕和我带她向南走。
- Jasper and I will drive her south .
- 碧玉编辑打电话给马戈。
- Jasper the editor phoned margo .