- 松开水龙头的透气口,打开总阀送水,打开水龙头。
- Unscrew the aerator from the faucet , turn the water on at the shutoff valves , and open the faucet .
- 然而,在星期三的一个听证会上国会成员们听取了两项新的、质疑瓶装水是否真的比直接从水龙头流出的水安全的研究报告。
- But at a hearing wednesday , members of congress were briefed on two new studies that question whether bottled water is safer than water directly from the faucet .
- 松开水龙头的透气口,打开总阀送水,打开水龙头。
- Unscrew the aerator from the faucet , turn the water on at the shutoff valves , and open the faucet .
- 我们可以指责劣质的水龙头漏水和低效的马桶,或者我们可以开始做些小小的改变来减少我们的用水量。
- We can blame faulty faucets leaks and inefficient toilets , or we can start taking small steps to decrease our consumption .
- 芝加哥水龙头公司向这家医院提供自动和手动水龙头。
- The chicago faucet company supplies the hospital with automatic and manual faucets .
- 其它6项研究也在自动水龙头中发现大量细菌。
- Six other studies have also found higher amounts of bacteria in automatic faucets .