- 这个经济增长程度不是一个灾难。
- That level of growth is no disaster .
- 现在日经指数仅有1999年末水平的一半不到。
- The nikkei is now under half its end-1999 level .
- 这些都属于单元测试级别的问题。
- These are issues at the unit testing level .
- 制定统一的资本标准。
- Get a common capital standard .
- 按照标准的格式撰写脚本。
- Write in standard script format .
- 难以阻挡的技术进步和丰富的天然资源让生活水平更高。
- Inevitable technological progress and abundant natural resources yield a higher standard of living .
- 大家无法信任的基准利率是没有意义的。
- A benchmark that cannot be trusted has no point .
- lme计划保持用美元为基准合约计价的做法。
- The lme plans to maintain its benchmark denominated in us dollars .
- 许多基金经理不能投资其基准指数成分股以外的股票。
- Many fund managers cannot invest beyond the stocks in their benchmark .