- 宽容一些重新评价阿利斯特哈迪水生起源理论可能有帮助。
- A more lenient reappraisal of alister hardy 's aquatic origins theory might help .
- 马斯喀特是改建的重点,改建后的马斯喀特有各式文化节日,奢华旅馆以及水上项目。
- Muscat is the focus for the revamp with cultural events luxury accommodation and aquatic activities taking centre stage .
- 但是我们的水生祖先有时偶尔摇摇晃晃的爬上陆地。
- But something happened when our aquatic ancestors first slithered onto the land .
- 但随着渔场和和河口场的关闭,他们很难找到其他工作。
- With fisheries and estuaries closed , they cannot easily find other jobs .
- 尽管阿根廷濒临南大西洋渔业资源丰富的渔场,但海鲜却很少出现在人们的餐桌上。
- Despite argentina lying along rich south atlantic fisheries , seafood is rarely seen on dinner tables .
- 研究发现对渔业的正确认识可能是更有好处的。
- The study found that better-understood fisheries are likelier to be healthy .