- 细颗粒物----小于2.5微米的颗粒----能躲过鼻子和气管中绒毛的保护作用。
- Fine particulate matter - particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers - can evade hairlike projections in the nose and trachea that trap larger particles .
- 支气管一直从气管延伸到肺部深处的微小肺泡处,其表面的气道细胞是最先接触到烟雾的细胞,无论这些烟雾是来自于直接吸烟还是被动吸烟。
- Airway cells that line the bronchus , from the trachea all the way to the tiny alveoli deep in the lungs , are the first cells that confront cigarette smoke , whether it is inhaled directly from a cigarette or secondhand from the environment .
- 床左侧的墙壁上,满是一簇簇密集的小血滴下流形成的血痕,这是动脉和气管血液喷出的典型状态。
- On the wall to the left of the bed were dense clusters of small circulardrops flowing downward , characteristic of arterial spray as well as exhalation of blood from the trachea .
- 伊朗会向以色列发射数百枚导弹、袭击在伊拉克和阿富汗的美军、在西方世界组织恐怖袭击或者截断跨霍尔木兹海峡世界油气管的油轮运输。
- Iran could fire hundreds of missiles at israel , attack american forces in iraq and afghanistan , organise terrorist attacks in the west or choke off tanker traffic through the strait of hormuz , the world 's oil windpipe .
- 现在我的气管里好像有一把刀
- And right now there 's a steel knife in my windpipe
- 其中一位是一个被收养的韩国婴儿,9个月大,她天生就没有气管,只能通过开在食道上的一个孔呼吸。
- One is a 9-month-old infant , adopted from korea , who was born without a windpipe and breathes through a hole in her esophagus .
- 目的探讨一种新的精确定位喉、气管周围血管网的展示方法.
- Objective to explore a new exhibition method that can locate the position of vascular plexus around the throat and weasand .