Leaves verticillate and alternate apically on stems , verticillate basally on old stems .
Branchlets spiny , prickly , or unarmed ; spines sometimes verticillate below nodes .
Stem leaves many , alternate , aggregated or subverticillate , if verticillate then plants more than 10 cm tall , less often 6-verticillate .
Big branch is verticillate , rod is flagging ; xie er , the form of young tree , shot of foliaceous sickle state that produces branch or nutrient branch to go up , the part of a historical period of old tree or fruit-bearing shoot is briefer , get form or scale look .
A total number of 5 pollen plants were obtained by anther culture of hevea brasilzen , sis muell . - Arg . Each of them had tap root , verticillate lateral root , stem , cotyledon , first pair of true leaf , and terminal bud .
Leaves alternate , rarely verticillate , oblanceolate to linear-lanceolate .
Herbs ; leaves verticillate at apex of stem .
Cauline leaves lanceolate and verticillate .
Leaflets of radical leaves pinnately or palmately parted nearly to base , thereby appearing verticillate .