- 一束灯光从门头上的气窗里透了出来。
- A light appeared through the transom overhead .
- 标准微型外形框架,不带连接构件,技术规格或图纸明细表另有说明的除外。
- Standard small profile frame , without transom unless specified otherwise in the schedule of specifications or drawings .
- 镜面蚀刻不锈钢大门套(250mm)镜面横梁板。
- Mirror etching stainless steel finish with wide ( 250mm ) jamb and transom panel of mirror st. st.
- 缓慢的系统运行可能会使你的交易泡汤。
- Slow system performance can easily scuttle the deal .
- 自慰可能使性生活负荷过大或使男人熄火。
- Solo sex can supercharge your sex life -- or scuttle it .
- 又一次,旧日本的陋习使得新的改革步履维艰。
- Once again , the practices of old japan scuttle the new .
- 你能否在世界一流的博物馆,如卢浮宫中找着呢?
- Can you find it in the world-class museums , such as the louver ?
- 带金属板条绳索制成的水平百叶窗遮帘。
- Corded horizontal louver blinds with metal slat .
- 百叶窗的柔和曲线的胶合板创建其自身的结构支撑和刚度,同时围绕日光其轮廓。
- The gentle curve of the plywood louver creates its own structural brace and rigidity while softening the daylight around its profile .