- 曼基勒从未听过这样的傲慢。
- Ms mankiller had never heard such arrogance .
- 这些词暴露了一种非同寻常的傲慢态度。
- These words betray a colossal arrogance .
- 这不代表我就傲慢,而是自信。
- That 's not arrogance . It 's confidence .
- 其民粹主义文化的抱怨是一个伊斯兰政党和世俗国家发生碰撞发出的典型咆哮。
- Their populist cultural complaints might sound typical of the bluster that seems to happen naturally wherever islamist parties collide with a secularist state .
- 如果这仅仅是咆哮,与金融服务部的和解让大家从渣打银行的股东身上榨取资金留下更多的诱惑,而不是去问责造成这些后果的人。
- If that was merely bluster , the dfs settlement leaves much to be desired in as much as it extracts money from standard chartered 's shareholders but imposes no consequences on the people in charge .
- 当然,这种气焰在处于淘汰边缘的候选人中很典型。
- That kind of bluster is typical among faltering candidates , of course .