- 上海将以更加开放的胸襟,热诚欢迎海内外朋友到这片热土投资兴业、大展宏图,携手谱写和谐发展、共同繁荣的新乐章。
- Shanghai warmly welcomes home and oversea friends with broad-minded view to invest in this hot ground , give full play to their ambition , and compose hand in hand a new movement of harmonious development and co-prosperity .
- 上海将以更加开放的胸襟,热诚欢迎海内外朋友到这片热土投资兴业、大展宏图,携手谱写和谐发展、共同繁荣的新乐章。
- Shanghai warmly welcomes home and oversea friends with broad-minded view to invest in this hot ground , give full play to their ambition , and compose hand in hand a new movement of harmonious development and co-prosperity .
- 不过今年早些时候nikolagruevski的保守党政府发布了一个视频,宣布了一个野心勃勃的“斯科普里2014”规划,准备在市中心进行一次根本性的重建。
- But earlier this year nikola gruevski 's conservative government produced a video that revealed the full ambition of " skopje 2014 " , its plan for a radical reinvention of the city centre .