- 利用青藏高原上72个常规气象观测站的逐日积雪厚度、冻结深度、气温、降水和地表温度资料,分析了高原积雪和季节冻土年际变化差异的原因。
- In this paper the cause of the differentia in interannual variation between snow cover and seasonal frozen soil in the tibetan plateau is analyzed by using conventional meteorological observations in 72 stations , including daily snow depth , frozen soil depth , air temperature , precipitation and ground surface temperature .
- 结果表明,温室大棚的气温、地温、相对湿度、光照度是随着外界气象条件和季节的变化而相应变化的,并具有日变化规律和季节变化规律。
- Result showed that the air temperature , soil temperature , relative humidity and illuminance inside the greenhouse changed with the variation of season and had the rules of daily change and seasonal change .
- 它们是:陆地气温、海洋表层温度、海面气温、海平面、海洋热含量、湿度、以及最接近地球表面的大气对流层(天气现象活跃层)的温度。
- These were : air temperature over land , sea-surface temperature , marine air temperature , sea level , ocean heat , humidity and tropospheric temperature in the " active-weather " layer of the atmosphere closest to the earth 's surface .