- 当她把手伸到鼻子旁,她已经可以闻到一点瓦斯的味道,像锯末一样她的肺里切割着。
- When she put her hand to her nose , she could smell a bit of the gas already , cutting into her lungs like sawdust .
- 乌兹别克斯坦的mrkarimov有在寒冷季节调整天然气价格和切断天然气运输供应的恶习。
- Uzbekistan 's mr karimov has a habit of changing gas prices and cutting deliveries during the coldest months .
- 乌兹别克斯坦的mrkarimov有在寒冷季节调整天然气价格和切断天然气运输供应的恶习。
- Uzbekistan 's mr karimov has a habit of changing gas prices and cutting deliveries during the coldest months .
- 有时我们不能避免狼吞虎咽一些东西来保持我们清醒和运转。
- Sometimes we can 't avoid scarfing something quick to keep us up and running .
- 你可能一会儿像奥林匹克运动员一样拼命,一会儿又彻底停下不动,用毛巾擦汗,在屏幕前松懈下来。
- You might work out like an olympian one moment , and totally quit the next , scarfing down sweets and vegging out in front of the tv .
- 但旅客在食用玉米饼或特制烤羊肉串前也可以采取一些健康的预防措施,这就避免了带回家的只是满箱子血汗工厂制造的小纪念品。
- But there are certain precautionary measures healthy travelers can take before scarfing their tacos or mystery-meat kebabs that will minimize the chances of bringing home more than just a suitcase full of sweatshop-made tchotchkes as souvenirs .