- 公共财政向民生倾斜、加大对民生领域投入是构建和谐社会的必然选择。
- The public finance inclining to livelihood of the people and increasing investment to the domain of livelihood of the people are the inevitable choice of constructing harmonious society .
- 但是自闭症患者对于道德的认知跟感功正常的人们不太一样,因为他们更关注那种情形下产生的结果,而非在当时人们的动机,麻省理工学院的研究员lianeyoung持这样的观点。
- But people with autism may perceive morality differently than normally functioning people because they focus more on the outcomes of situations , rather than the intentions of the people in those situations , said study researcher liane young , a researcher at massachusetts institute of technology .
- 中华人民共和国的专属经济区,为中华人民共和国领海以外并邻接领海的区域,从测算领海宽度的基线量起延至二百海里。
- The exclusive economic zone of the people 's republic of china covers the area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea of the people 's republic of china , extending to 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured .