- 她的毛毯的条纹是绿色的。
- The stripes on her blanket were green .
- 新生的婴儿躺在毛毯上哭泣。
- Newborn baby laying on blanket crying .
- 她的目光低垂,落在毛毯上。
- She lowers her eyes to the blanket .
- 你妈妈这么多头发,你出生的时候地毯肯定烧着了。
- Your mum 's so hairy you were born with carpet burns .
- 起居室里面的沙发是灰色的,和地毯的颜色非常搭。
- The sofa in the living room is gray and matches the carpet .
- 百老汇和电视节目亲爱的克里斯汀可想见是红地毯上活泼的采访人。
- Broadway and television darling kristin chenoweth was a predictably perky red carpet interviewer .
- 他将自己与两个女孩剪下的一块地毯做为自己的舞池。
- He owned the dance floor as he and two girls proceeded to cut up a rug .
- 我问他,放下我的背包,脱下鞋丢到地毯上。
- I ask him , dropping my bag and kicking my shoes off onto the rug .
- 隔壁房间里一位医生用一张叠起来的薄祈祷毯教五位女士缝合深部伤口。
- In the next room , a doctor is using a thin , folded prayer rug to teach five women how to suture deep wounds .
- 像大眼眼镜猴一样,夜猴也没有反光膜。
- Like the wide-eyed tarsier , night monkeys also lack a tapetum lucidum .