- 奥父:那么最吸引你的是什么?
- Barret : what attracts you most ?
- 嘿,我在和一幢了不起的哈佛建筑喝咖啡呢!你是巴雷特大厅。
- Hey , I 'm having coffee with a real havard building . You are the barret hall .
- 进行手术的医疗组组长joanperebarret在新闻发布会上告诉媒体,在长达24小时的手术过程中,他的面部肌肉、皮肤、鼻子、嘴唇、下巴、牙齿、颚部及面颊部的骨头都得到了更换。
- During the 24-hour-long operation , he received new facial muscles , skin , nose , lips , a jaw , teeth , a palate and cheekbones , the leader of the medical team that carried out the procedure , joan pere barret , told the news conference .
- 我舅舅穿着一件讲究的黄褐色毛呢中山装;他看上去非常威严。
- My uncle was wearing a nice tan wool mao jacket ; he looked very dignified .
- 托比瞪视了我一会儿,然后发出一阵混浊的笑声,就像一团乱毛。
- Toby stared at me a moment and then laughed a thick laugh , like uncombed wool .
- 它和牛仔裤、裙子都可以搭配,也可以和高档羊毛裤一起穿。
- You can pair it with jeans or a dress or match it with nice wool pants .