- 光阴荏苒,飞蓬被神界问罪贬为凡人,经过多次转世成为渝州唐门新安当铺伙计景天。
- Time flies , saussurea also raised by demote for mortals , after many reincarnation become yuzhou tang door guys xinan pawnshop landscape days .
- 影片就是以他曾经为某品牌的榨汁机还有疱疹药丸做的广告开始。然后影片将丹拿的演艺生涯一笔带过,时光飞逝到了他彻底过气的时候。
- Video is for a brand he had been the herpes juicer pills have started to do ads. tanner then video will be a career over , time flies off of his air time to complete .
- 作为一名大二年的学生,我觉得光阴似箭。
- As a sophomore , I am feeling the time flies .