- 手工编写杂种组配计划书需要分别查阅不育系母本与恢复系父本的计划书。
- Compiling hybrid combination plan manually needs to refer to the plans of sterility line ( female parent ) and restorer line ( male parent ) resp .
- 这项研究可为今后选育抗除草剂甜菜品种提供亲本材料。
- This research can provide female parent material for developing sugar beet resistant to PPT in future .
- 用不同品种的板栗花粉在同一母株上进行授粉,其花粉直感现象的强弱存在有一定的差异。
- There some difference of xenia between different varieties of chestnut pollen in the same female parent .
- 如果你还想要去调查海狸水坝,注意你的脚下!
- If you are going to investigate the beaver dam , watch your step !
- 这将帮助我们更像河流那样思考,而非水坝。
- To help us think more like a river , less like a dam .
- 这导致了更高的大坝审查。
- This led to greater scrutiny of the dam .
- 而你会是唯一的种子。
- And you it 's only seed .
- 就靠着这么一斤一斤地卖籽麻糖发了家。
- Relying on such a catty catty to sell seed sesame candy made a home .
- 于是在他的脑子里酝酿了一个“籽麻糖”的计划。
- So in his mind he hatched a " seed sesame candy " plan .