- 心破碎了真能修补吗?
- Can you really mend a broken heart ?
- 旧的模式已经被打破。
- The old model is broken .
- 我们则打破了这个过程。
- We 've broken apart this process .
- 目前,新的移居者被排挤到了重建的公寓和破败的维多利亚式连栋房屋中。
- So far , new arrivals have squeezed into redeveloped flats and dilapidated victorian terraces .
- 遇见她的时候,我正在名为pinluang的村子里一栋破败的木质建筑周围闲逛。
- I met her as I wandered around a dilapidated wooden building in the village of pin luang .
- 在远处,你可以看到朝鲜的建筑,摇摇欲坠,破败不堪。
- In the distance you can make out dilapidated north korean buildings .