- 那个警察不肖做残忍的事。
- The policeman is above cruelty .
- 儿童的残忍对任何人都不足为怪。
- The cruelty of children comes as news to no one .
- 否认这一权利无疑是给他们的不幸施加更多的残忍。
- To deny it to them is to add cruelty to misfortune .
- 类似的在任何一个独裁制度下,权力的拥有者因为从权力那里得到的快乐体验而变得越发暴君似的。
- Similarly in any autocratic regime the holders of power become increasingly tyrannical with experience of the delights that power can afford .
- 托马斯杰斐逊(thomasjefferson)说得好:“强迫一个人出资协助传播他不信仰,并且憎恶的观点,是罪孽深重的,是残暴专横的”。
- Thomas jefferson put it best : " to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical . "
- 从积极的方面来说,他们彻底结束了萨达姆的暴虐统治。
- On the positive side , they conclusively ended the tyrannical rule of saddam hussein .
- 有些妇女奋起反抗她们野蛮的丈夫,甚至不惜以入狱为代价。
- Some women rose up against their savage spouse , even at the cost of imprisonment .
- 欧洲的解决方案一直是财政紧缩:残酷的削减开支以确保债券市场稳定。
- Europe 's answer has been austerity : savage spending cuts in an attempt to reassure bond markets .
- 财政危机和残酷的经济衰退正处于高潮,房地产破产高涨。
- A financial crisis and a savage recession were in full swing , and house foreclosures were soaring .