- 我有一个兄弟是残废人,他百分百是我认为的有工作的穷人。
- My brother is disabled . And he 's definitely what I would consider one of the working poor .
- 大约在我十岁的时候,她让我保证,如果她残废了或痴呆了,我一定要杀了她。
- When I was about 10 , she made me promise that I would kill her if ever she became either disabled or demented .
- 罗斯福从没说过他是第一个宣誓就职的残废人总统;约翰.肯尼迪也没有说过他是第一个成为总统的天主教徒。
- F.d.r. did not say he was the first disabled president to take the presidential oath ; john kennedy did not say he was the first catholic to do so .
- 美国约有30个反应堆与日本受损的反应堆设计相似。
- Some 30 american reactors have designs similar to the crippled reactors in japan .
- 我还记得工党里那些想要成为职业政客的年轻人是如何操纵学生团体来削弱他那些无能的反对者。
- I remember how young wannabe career politicians within the labour party hijacked the student movement and crippled it to the point it was incapable of dissent .
- 虽然我腿是瘸的。
- Though I have a crippled leg .
- 他在一次意外事故中受重伤而残废。
- He was seriously maimed in an accident .
- 他在一次意外中成了残废。
- He was maimed in an accident .
- 他在第一次世界大战的一埸战斗中受伤致残。
- E.g. he was maimed in a first world war battle .