- 爱国主义远非“歹徒最后的避难所”,而是必不可少的。
- Patriotism , far from being " the last refuge of the scoundrel , " is indispensable .
- 说得不客气一点,他是个彻头彻尾的无赖。
- He is not to put too fine a point on it , a thorough scoundrel .
- 伟大的英国作家塞缪尔约翰逊曾调侃说“爱国主义是恶棍最后的托词”。
- Samuel johnson the great english author once quipped that " patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel . "
- 而这些都是痞子调进南区分局和英雄一起之后发生的事。
- All these occurred after ruffian and hero were sends to southern sub-bureau .
- 你结婚这个恶棍,正确的,因为如果你不梅利莎只是可能而已。
- You marrying this ruffian , right because if you don 't melissa just might .
- 她对自己心里思忖道,知道如何火影忍者会有什么反应,如果他看见一个痞子抚摸她喜欢他。
- She mentally added to herself , knowing how naruto would react if he saw a ruffian touching her like he was .
- 分明就是个天天打架的流氓。
- Clearly is the hoodlum who fights daily .
- 最后祝和我一样的人光棍节快乐!
- Wish that person hoodlum festival same as me is happy finally !
- 光棍节之夜最牛的光棍睡姿。
- The hoodlum saves that night cattle ^ s hoodlum sleeps most posture .