- 对于能源业整体而言,日本的事故令本已有分歧的现状更加复杂。
- For the energy sector as a whole , events in japan complicate an already divergent story .
- 世界经济能否从“大稳定”平稳走向持续复苏,取决于各国如何妥为应对上述相异的挑战。
- Whether the world economy moves smoothly from the great stabilisation to a sustainable recovery depends on how well these divergent challenges are met .
- 试图直接估量分配结果而导致结论分歧的研究毫不奇怪。
- Not surprisingly , studies that try directly to measure the distributional consequences reach divergent conclusions .
- 卢先生曾被认为是与众不同的一个。
- Mr roh was thought to be different .
- 但失忆的可能是另外一回事。
- Amnesiacs are a different matter .
- 但现实则完全是另外一幅模样。
- The truth is very different .
- 从冰箱中取出并捏成球状,然后放在托盘上用叉子轻轻地压平。
- Remove from fridge and roll into balls , place on tray and slightly flatten with a fork .
- 他用餐叉指了指他的碟子,亲切地问道。
- He says sweetly , motioning his fork .
- 文艺复兴的对餐叉的抵制从某些方面来讲也是对的。
- The renaissance opponents of the fork were right , in many ways .