- 国王对安提冈尼的行动。他做的正确吗?在你看来谁是主角?国王或是安提冈尼?
- King likens himself to antigone at one point . Is he right to do so ? Which in your view is the stronger character , king or antigone ?
- 作为环境法的法益基础,环境权在某种意义上是一种社会性权利,有权提起环境诉讼、维护环境公共利益是环境权从理论到实践基本标志。
- As a legal foundation in environmental right is " a kind of social right " in some sense . Having the right to institute a proceeding for the environmental protection is a rudimental for the purpose of safeguarding the public environmental welfare either from the view theory or practice .
- 那个楔子建筑,指着当年破坏dresden的从飞机上扔下炸弹的那条线路,是否是鼓励着那个极右的观点那次袭击是一次炸弹大屠杀。
- Could the wedge , which points to the flight path taken by bombers that destroyed dresden , encourage the far-right view that the raids were a " bombing holocaust " ?