- 主要底栖鱼类;主要浮游鱼类;无脊椎鱼类;其它低栖鱼类;溯河产卵鱼类;比目鱼类;其它鱼类。
- Principal groundfish ; principal pelagics ; invertebrates ; other groundfish ; anadromous fish ; flounders ; other fish .
- 2009年,佐治亚州13位教师因为作弊而受罚,其中包括一所小学的校长和副校长。
- But in 2009 13 teachers in georgia were punished for cheating , including the principal and assistant principal at one elementary school .
- 剧中的男女主角传统上都是由年轻的女演员扮演,在很多年里,彼得潘并不是一个男孩,相反却是一个身材魁梧、身着小男孩儿戏服的年轻姑娘。
- The hero and heroine , known as the principal boy and principal girl , were both traditionally young actresses , and for many years peter was not a little boy but a slim , athletic young woman in a kind of elf costume .