- 例如,弄碎坚果是一项复杂的技能,需要将坚果放在石砧和石锤之间,然后调整动作以恰当的方式击打坚果。
- Nut-cracking , for example , is a complex skill that involves placing a nut between an anvil stone and a hammer stone and coordinating the movements to hit the nut just right .
- 单身汉对他理想中的妻子没有具体的定义。
- The bachelor has no real definition for the just-right wife .
- 2维“平面世界”正好合适,它有充分的空间足以容纳很多有趣的和有用的东西。
- Two-dimensional " flatland " is just right , with just enough room for interesting and useful things to arise .