- 然而司法和娱乐是不同的。
- But justice and showbiz are different .
- 一位保守派阵营的法官samuelalito问道。
- Asked samuel alito , a conservative justice .
- 奥巴马总统与首席大法官罗伯茨的关系十分紧张。
- The president 's relations with chief justice roberts are fraught .
- 他们也把豫先传说那义者要来的人杀了。
- They even killed those who predicted the coming of the righteous one .
- 把整个自己奉献给他,作为公义的器皿。
- Surrender your whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes .
- 你可能在经历困难的境况,正是因为你是公义和圣洁的。
- You could be going through a hard time because you have been righteous and godly .