- 吃止痛药有什么副作用?
- Eat anodyne what to side effect there is ?
- 毕竟,布什先生要承受在2005年峰会前夕来自其盟友布莱尔的类似压力,同样是关于全球变暖问题的演说只是以些许无关痛痒的措辞结束。
- After all , mr bush resisted similar pressure from his friend mr blair ahead of the g8 summit in 2005 , which also addressed global warming but resulted in only an anodyne statement .
- 结石活动或下移时可引起病人腰腹部绞痛,程度重,难以忍受,往往需注射杜冷丁等强力止痛药才能奏效。
- Calculous activity or patient waist can be caused when next moving cramp , degree is heavy , bear hard , often want the get the desired result of puissant anodyne ability such as inject du lengding .