- 难道性爱不是由于骑士而成为时髦,难道夫妇之爱不是性爱的正确的资产阶级形式而同骑士的通奸之爱相反吗?
- Had not chivalry brought sex-love into fashion , and was not its proper bourgeois form , in contrast to chivalry 's adulterous love , the love of husband and wife ?
- 说我老套也好,我还是认为“勃茨”是代替不了人类演员的。
- Call me old-fashioned , but for me , bots are not proper replacements for human actors .
- 利口酒和其他人造饮品被当作食品来宣传,但实际上它们只是纯粹的商业和文化符号,不是正经食物,而是文化泡沫法国启蒙运动的夹馅面包。
- Liqueurs and other artificial confections were advertised as nourishment , but they were in fact pure commerce and cultural symbolism , not proper food but cultural foam - the twinkies of the french enlightenment .
- 索博列夫斯基否认曾有任何不当行为。
- Mr sobolewski denied doing anything improper .
- 其它银行的高管表示,这种做法是不当的。
- Executives at other banks say that is improper .
- 银行迫切希望收回这些贷款,于是纷纷止赎,提交了几千份不正当的书面证词。
- In their eagerness to unload such loans banks have rushed to foreclose submitting many thousands of improper affidavits .
- 男人不断地产生新鲜的精子时,随时着时间的推移,身体“这部机器”会使这个过程减速且变得不完美。
- While men constantly make fresh sperm , the ' machinery ' that makes it can slow down and become defective over time .
- 可是一个有缺陷的灵魂是最需要我们为之祈祷的。
- Nevertheless , a defective soul is the kind of soul who is most in need of our prayers .
- 随着有缺陷的金融业丧失其可信度,市场进程的合理性也受到影响。
- As a defective financial sector loses its credibility , the legitimacy of the market process itself is damaged .