- 近来,席卷英国的暴乱,很多人相信它的起源是缺乏父母的引导和父母对子女的尊重,似乎强调了东西方极大的差异。
- The recent riots across britain , whose origins many believe lie in an absence of either parental guidance or filial respect , seem to underline a profound difference between east and west .
- 有人将近来波及英国全境的骚乱的原因归于父母慈爱和子女孝敬这种家庭亲情的缺失,而这一切似乎恰恰强调了东西方之间存在的巨大差异。
- The recent riots across britain , whose origins many believe lie in an absence of either parental guidance or filial respect , seem to underline a profound difference between east and west .
- 把这些板条纵向放在框架上。
- Lie the slats length-ways across the frame .
- 这样的政策跨越了很广的一个范围。
- Policies that do so span a broad spectrum .
- 这样的对话发生于25年前,算是跨越了一代人。
- That discussion took place 25 years ago the span usually allotted to a single generation .
- 孔子学说起源于这样一个议题,即人类的定义来源于跨越几个世纪的亲属关系网络。
- Confucianism begins from the proposition that human beings are defined by kinship networks that span the centuries .