- 然而,这个世界第二强大的国家就那么简简单单地枯萎凋谢了,丝毫不符合马克思主义经典,但它确实已经不复存在了。
- Yet the second most powerful country in the world simply withered away , not in the classical marxist sense , but it literally ceased to exist .
- 一个不动产的标志牌被插在枯萎的草地上一个明显违反城市法规的举动使这个房子吸引不到任何购买者。
- A realty sign , driven into the grass that has withered to straw-a clear violation of city ordinances-has attracted no buyers .
- 然而,尽管农作物干枯,土壤被晒干,野火造成损失,但是有些人认为,由于商品市场繁荣以及耕地价格破纪录,农业再次进入黄金时代。
- Yet despite withered crops , sun-baked soil and damage from wildfires , some think that farming is in the midst of another golden age , thanks to booming commodity markets and record prices for farmland .
- 苟利军表示,滨海新区禁止低技术或污染型产业进入,而且已将基建投资总额的三分之一用在了环保方面。
- Low-tech or polluting industries are banned from the zone and , according to mr gou , one-third of total infrastructure investment has been spent on environmental protection .
- 越来越多的爱苟!
- More and more love gou !
- 我认为埃勒(阳沟),她哭的时候看起来很丑。
- I think ella ( yang gou ) she looks ugly when she cries .