- 他的膝盖和脑袋或得以康复,况且他只有35岁,仍是名年轻的高尔夫球员。
- His knee and head may mend , and he is only 35 , which is still young for a golfer .
- 俱乐部最年长的会员是86岁的阮名演(nguyendanhdien),从他那套专业自行车运动员的行头就可以看俱乐部里唯一的女会员出来,他对自行车的兴趣不减年少时。
- The eldest member of this club is mr. nguyen danh dien , 86 . His passion for old bicycles is still as strong as when he was young . Others can easily see his passion for bicycles in his outfit , which is for professional cyclists .
- 劳森先生近80岁了,但他仍然童心犹在,对我们所做的每一件事都感兴趣。
- Mr Lawson is nearly eighty , but he \'s still young at heart and interested in everything we do .